New vosla LED product

Es brennt bei vosla. Gasflammen schießen waagerecht auf gläserne Kolben, die kurz darauf eine Eisschicht tragen werden.

LED-Lampen-Innovation bei vosla

70 years of lamp innovation: “Because we can not do it another way!”

It burns at vosla. Gas flames shoot horizontally at glassy pistons, which will shortly afterwards carry an ice layer.

Kneifmaschine für die Lampenherstellung bei vosla

Uncompromising as a corporate strategy: obsessed – down to the last detail

It burns at vosla. Gas flames shoot horizontally at glassy pistons, which will shortly afterwards carry an ice layer.

Messlabor mit Lichtmesskugel

Our measuring equipment is so good that we also make it available to others

There is hardly any industry that places such high demands on its technology suppliers as the automotive industry.

The premier class – light for the automotive industry

There is hardly any industry that places such high demands on its technology suppliers as the automotive industry.

This is how Precision Lighting is made

This is how Pression Lighting comes into being – insights into our production process

Mistakes forbidden – over 20 merciless measuring points until enlightenment

There is a clear dividing line between good and bad at vosla. And that is extremely narrow. She knows no “about”.

Glas-Verarbeitung bei Vosla

Why we always process glass ourselves

It burns at vosla. Gas flames shoot horizontally at glassy pistons, which will shortly afterwards carry an ice layer.